Luke 7:36-50 When we look upon Jesus, we see God (John 14:9). The account before us is a window through which we may see how[Read More…]
Sunday School
Basic Bible: The Deliverance of the Jews
Esther 8:3-8; 9:18-23 “And Esther spake yet again . . .” (v. 3). Esther’s first appearance before Ahasuerus is recorded in Esther 5:1. On that[Read More…]
Basic Bible: Esther’s Bold Faith
Esther 3:2-3, 5-6a; 4:7-16 The book of Esther is history because it is a record of that which transpired in Esther’s day. The book is[Read More…]
Basic Bible: Hannah Commits Her Son to God
I Samuel 1:20, 26-28; 2:1-10 The text before us captures the actions and words of Hannah. Hannah dedicated her firstborn son to serve God. This[Read More…]
Basic Bible: Ruth Marries Boaz
Ruth 4:1-10 When Naomi’s husband, Elimelech, departed from Bethlehem to go to Moab, he sold his land. In Israel of that day land sales were[Read More…]
Basic Bible: Ruth Meets Boaz
Ruth 2:8-18 Ruth has accepted Naomi’s people as her people and Naomi’s God as her God. In so doing, Ruth traded any material inheritance that[Read More…]
Basic Bible: Ruth Follows Naomi
Ruth 1:1-9, 14b., 16 The book of Ruth records an inspiring story that is much more than just a story. It is scripture which has[Read More…]
Basic Bible: Deborah Encourages Barak
Judges 4:4-10, 12-16 At this time, the children of Israel were in the land that God had promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. At God’s[Read More…]
Basic Bible: The Creation of Woman
Genesis 2:18-25 In verse 18, God states that it is not good that man should be alone and that He will make a helper for[Read More…]
Basic Bible: The Alpha and Omega
Revelation 22:6-10, 12-13, 16-21 “These sayings are faithful and true” (v. 6). The source of these sayings is “the Lord God of the holy prophets”[Read More…]