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Putnam County Fair Queen Pageant Yields Three Winners

The Putnam County Fair Queen Pageant was held Sunday, June 13, at the Pumpkin Park Indoor Stage facility in Milton.

Alissa Grady is now Putnam County Fair Queen 2021. As Fair Queen, she will represent the fair at the West Virginia Fairs and Festivals Pageant in January. Miss Grady will be busy posing for photos and handing out ribbons and trophies at the Putnam County Fair, July 9-17.

Her first official duty will be to promote the fair by participating in either the Buffalo 4th of July parade or the Hurricane parade. In past years, Putnam Fair Queens have been able to participate in both parades. That is not possible this year because the start time of Hurricane parade has been moved to 2 p.m. The Buffalo parade start time will remain at 1 p.m.

Fair Teen Queen Whitney Good and Pre-Teen Fair Queen Emma Rectenwald will be assisting Miss Grady in promoting the fair and handing out ribbons during fair week.

Also participating in the Fair Queen pageant at Pumpkin Park were:

Pre-Teen 1st runner up Jenna Walker and Pre-Teen contestants were Caylee Gillespie and Lillan Hill.

Fair Teen Queen 1st Runner Up Emma Phelps and Emilee Legg.

Fair Queen 1st Runner up Kayleigh Hayzlett, and Jamie DeRuiter, Olivia Fitzwater and Courtney Casto.

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