Pat Collins of Friendly managed a full pull with his International tractor in Saturday’s pulling competition at the fair. (Photo by Betsy Allen)
Putnam County Fair’s Motorized Events Complex always draws a crowd. Spectators gathered for truck and tractor pulling competition on Saturday, July 9.
The tractor pulling drew competitors locally from Leon and from the distant locales of Whipple, Ohio and Friendly, West Virginia.
The Complex hosted the popular Demolition Derby on Monday, the SEBRA Bulls and Barrels Rodeo on Tuesday, and Lawn Mower Races on Wednesday.
Motocross and Mud Run races are scheduled at the Complex on Friday and Saturday.
The full fair schedule for July 14 to 16 follows:
Putnam County Fair Schedule
Thursday, July 14th
4:00PM- Gates Open
4:00PM-9:00PM- Exhibit Hall Open
6:00PM- Master Showmanship (Show/Sale Arena) Old Timers Show will follow
6:30PM-10:30PM Gambill Amusement Carnival Open
6:30PM- Kids Pedal Power Tractor Pull (Fairway)
7:00PM & 9:00PM- Flying Cortes (2 shows)
7:00PM Big Time Pro Wrestling (Amphitheater)
8:00PM- The Laborers Quartet (Entertainment Tent) Sponsored by Solid Rock Investigations
11:00PM- Fair Closes
Friday, July 15th
4:00PM- Gates Open
4:00PM-9:00PM- Exhibit Hall Open
4:00PM- Registration Open Motocross (Motorized Events Complex)
5:00PM- Putnam County Fair Annual Livestock Auction (Show/Sale Arena) Registration opens at 4:00PM
6:30PM- Kids Pedal Power Tractor Pull (Fairway)
6:30PM-11:00PM Gambill Amusement Carnival Open
7:00-8:00PM- Motocross Practice (Motorized Events Complex)
7:00PM & 9:00PM- Flying Cortes (2 shows)
8:00PM- Motocross Races (Motorized Events Complex) Provided by Lovejoy Racing
8:30PM- Kaden Meeks Sponsored by John Flora Contracting, Inc.
11:00PM- Fair Closes
Saturday, July 16th
9:00 AM Gates Open
9AM-Noon- Mud Run Registration Open (Motorized Events Complex)
12:00PM-9:00PM- Exhibit Hall Open
12:00PM- Joey Stepp Magic Show (Entertainment Tent)
1:00-5:00PM Gambill Amusement Carnival Open
1:00PM- Mud Run Races (Motorized Events Complex) Provided by TSMRA
1:30PM, 3:30PM, 7:30PM Flying Cortes(3 Shows)
5:00PM-6:30PM- Carnival Closed for Dinner
5:00PM- Joey Stepp Magic Show (Entertainment Tent)
6:30-11:00PM Gambill Amusement Carnival Open
6:30PM Kids Pedal Power Tractor Pull Championship (Must have qualified from earlier in the week to participate) (Show/Sale Arena)
8:30 PM- Dillon Carmichael (Amphitheater)
9:00PM-11:30PM Pickup Exhibits at the Exhibit Hall
10:00PM- FIREWORKS Sponsored by Putnam County Bank
11:30PM- 2022 Fair Closes