If you have a picture of your pet dressed in holiday attire, or poising beside a Christmas tree or other seasonal decoration, the Breeze would like to include it in the Christmas issue, which will be published on December 22.
The deadline to turn in pictures is December 8. Besides a photograph, we would need the name(s) of the pet(s), the owners’ names, town in which the owner resides, and any information you would like to share about the pet or pets. This is a free service, and there is no charge.
If you wish to have your pet’s picture returned, you must do ALL the following: (1) have the pet’s name on back of the picture, (2) name and address of person to whom the photograph is to be returned, and (3) a stamped, addressed envelope which matches the address on the back of the photograph.
Photographs and information may be mailed to: Holiday Pet Pictures, Hurricane Breeze, P.O. Box 310, Hurricane, WV 25526. Photos and info may also be submitted to our email address: [email protected]
It doesn’t matter if your pet is a tiny hamster or a large horse. Let him or her share holiday greetings with everyone.