The single copy cost of the Breeze is now 75¢ and effective January 1, 2023, the cost of print subscriptions will increase (excepting the Hurricane 25526 zip code).
It has become necessary to pass on the increased cost of mailing and printing the newspaper. There will be no increase in subscription cost to the OnLine Edition.
The new rates will be $25 per year for all Putnam County addresses, $40 per year for West Virginia addresses, and $45 per year for out-of-state addresses. The $20 per year rate for Hurricane (25526 zip code) will remain unchanged.
The steep $10 per year increase for out-of-county subscriptions is an adjustment which reflects the real cost of USPS mailings. The mailing rate to the closest out-of-county address (Culloden) is 5 times the Hurricane rate. Most in-county rates are twice the rate for Hurricane. Out-of-state rates range from 7 to 9 times that of Hurricane.
The per copy cost of distributing the Breeze to locations throughout the county remains greater than in-county mailing cost totals.
The OnLine Edition cost is $2.50 per month ($30 per year) and is available at