The January 10th Putnam County Commission meeting was a first for Steve Deweese whose six-year term officially began on January 1st. Brian Ellis and Andy Skidmore also serve as county commissioners. Skidmore will be commission president throughout 2023.
The commission, consisting of Skidmore and Ellis, met in an emergency meeting on December 30 a because decision needed to be made before the end of the calendar year to avoid a ten percent in the cost of replacement 911 radio consoles for those destroyed by a lightning strike earlier in the year. OES/911 Director Mikyle White received bids from Motorola for $2,567,000.00 and from Zetron for $855,727.60. Zetron informed White that its price would go up ten percent on January 1, 2023. White recommended Zetron because it was lower and because the company had received a good report from Jackson County officials who utilize Zetron equipment. The commission approved the Zetron bid of $855,727.60 and adjourned.
In action on January 10, the commission designated that the commission hold regular meetings on the second and last Tuesday of each month. The second Tuesday meeting will be at 9 a.m. and the last Tuesday meeting will be at 5 p.m.
Commission president Skidmore conducted a swearing in ceremony for newly hired Deputy Sheriffs Devin Conliff; Austin McKeown; and Austin Smith. Conliff and McKeown must graduate from the State Police Academy before assuming duties. Smith is a former Lincoln County deputy and has completed the State Police Academy requirement.
The commission unanimously approved a request from the City of Hurricane to annex 127.66 acres into its corporate limits. The acreage mainly consists of roadway. The Hurricane Police Department will be tasked with answering calls on Teays Valley Road (State Route 34) to the westbound I-64 entrance at Exit 39 and on I-64 to Cow Creek. The portion on I-64 to the Hurricane Exit has been part of Hurricane’s city limits for many years.
The next regular commission meeting will be Tuesday, January 31, at 5 p.m.