Tuesday, May 30, was bid opening day for county Workers Compensation and Liability insurance coverage. Arthur Krenzel Lett Insurance and West Virginia County Risk Pool submitted bids for both Workers Comp and Liability. Centurion Insurance submitted a single bid for Workers Comp. The low bid for Workers Comp was $105,060 from Arthur Kenzel Lett. The lowest bid for liability insurance was $253,488 by West Virginia County Risk Pool. The lowest Workers Comp/Liability package bid was $452,064 from Arthur Kenzel Lett. The package bid from the County Risk Pool was $493,768. The Commission unanimously approved the lowest package bid.
May 30 was also a day of honor for Kawner Cusack of Hurricane Middle School. The Commission read a proclamation recognizing his second place finish in the County Commissioners Association of West Virginia essay contest. Statewide, there were 230 contest entries. Kawner’s effort earned him a $300 check.
In other business, the Commission rejected a request by Camp Appalachia for a Special Permit to allow fireworks on July 13 and 20. The request was opposed by Tammy Williams. Williams stated that the approximately 85 deer, groups of 16 turkey, one bear, and fox on 300 acres which she owns near the camp have rights and the fireworks pose risk of a wildfire in the wooded area. The request was denied after Commissioner Deweese expressed concern that time may not permit proper notice to veterans in the area who may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder.