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Putnam County Commission News

The November 14 meeting of the Putnam County Commission included updates and reports on numerous items of public interest.

Commissioner Steve Deweese reported that the Putnam County Parks and Recreation Commission has approved a lease agreement with the DOH for the tract of land that sits between the I-64 eastbound rest area and Valley Park.

Commissioner Andy Skidmore announced that the Animal Shelter Board has set up a 501c(3) account which will allow the shelter to received tax deductible donations. Skidmore said that the Shelter Board will be meeting in Commission chambers on the second Thursday of each month beginning in December.

Sheriff Bobby Eggleton recognized Deputy Sheriffs Matt McDaniel and Justin Veith on their promotions. McDaniel is now Sergeant McDaniel and Veith is Corporal Veith.

Terry Martin of the Regional Intergovernmental Council (RIC) gave an update on the Jim Ridge Waterline Extension Project Phase II. Martin reported that construction was going well with 37% complete as the last pay period. The section from the start of the project to the intersection with Bowles Ridge Road is complete. The line will be flushed, tested, disinfected and ready for customer taps by December 1st.

Martin informed the Commission that HUD funding cannot be used to finance extending service to Mud Lick because of low income restrictions but service to Mud Lick residents could be funded from other sources that had been set aside but not needed for Jim Ridge. Martin said that different funding would be necessary to extend waterlines on Bowles Ridge.

Martin also updated the Commission on public water to Custer Ridge and to unserved residents of Deerfield Estates. The deadline for application consideration has been met and will be acted upon in late January or early February. Martin said the Deerfield Estate project is proceeding slower than expected. The cost of the project is greater than the $2 million limit for which Deerfield qualifies. Martin said that he was told that state lawmakers are likely to increase the funding limit to $2.5 million. The Deerfield project will proceed if the new limit becomes the law of the land.

In other business, the Commission approved financing of a playground fence at Valley Park and an annexation request from the City of Hurricane to bring four separate businesses on Teays Valley Road into city limits. The businesses had requested the annexations.

Upon the advise of the State Auditor, the Commission authorized the establishment of an interest bearing account for management of WV All-County Fire Protection expenditures.

The Commission appointed Rebecca Richmond and Brittany Willard to the Parks and Recreation Board for terms to expire on August 31, 2026.

The next Commission meeting is November 28 at 5:00 p.m.

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