The recent easing of restrictions on public gatherings by Governor Justice made it possible for the City of Hurricane to do that which it has not done in more than one year. The council recognized the achievement of two Hurricane High students. Council recognized Aiden Bernard and Isaiah Huffman for being named National Merit Finalists.
Hurricane High Principal Paul McClanahan introduced Aiden and Isaiah to council. McClanahan said that only 1% of all students tested qualify for consideration of a National Merit Scholarship. He informed council that close to half who are named as finalists receive $2,500 annual scholarships.
The council last recognized Hurricane High students on March 5, 2020, when the school’s swim teams registered outstanding performances at the West Virginia High School State Swimming Meet.
Cub Scout Pack 236 used the council meeting venue to present Hurricane Fire Chief Deron Wilkes and Lieutenant Peter Burgeson a plaque in recognition of their assistance making the troop’s pinewood derby happen. Deron and Peter opened up the fire department and worked with the pack to make sure that the derby happened. Pack leader Shante Ellis reported that Pack 236 was the only pack in the state to have a pinewood derby competition. All other packs were forced to cancel their derbies because of pandemic gathering restrictions closed facilities upon which the Cub Scouts normally use. The Hurricane Fire Station facility proved to be a suitable alternative.
The council honored Bill Bartley with a plaque that will be placed at the Caboose exhibition at Hurricane City Park. Bill has been instrumental in locating the Caboose at City Park where visitors may tour it and learn a bit of history. Mayor Scott Edwards said, “Bill’s financial assistance to the Caboose project and to the park has been unbelievable and much appreciated!”
In other business, Fire Chief Deron Wilkes reported that an architect has been selected for the new Hurricane Fire Station which will be built on five acres on State Route 34 near Hurricane Bridge Park. Wilkes said that his department responded to 192 calls during March. Of the total, only 11 were actual fires.