On Monday, September 5, the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources reported 792 active cases of the coronavirus in Putnam County, the most since December 19, 2020.
During the 7-day period from August 30 through September 5, there was a record 374 new cases. The previous 7-day record of 317 new cases was set in the last week of November 2020.
Putnam’s record new case total would have been much higher than 374 without the vaccine. The vaccines’ effectiveness, while less against the Delta variant than other strains of Covid, does reduce infection rates. Statewide, 80% of Covid hospitalizations are not vaccinated.
Putnam’s vaccination rate is higher than the state average. 54% of the county’s residents are partially vaccinated and 46.7% are fully vaccinated.
The vaccine is not recommended for children under 12. The DHHR reported Tuesday that 4,607 Putnam adolescents between age 12 and 18 were partially vaccinated. Children under 12 are without protection. That lack of protection was particularly evident last week as students at George Washington Elementary are now under quarantine and on remote learning until at least Monday, September 13.