The Upper Vandalia Historical Society met this last Sunday, October 31, at Bancroft Church of God Mission. Prior to the COVID pandemic, the club held quarterly meetings, but this is only the second time since the club has met since January of 2020. The theme of the meeting was show and tell, with guests encouraged to bring historical artifacts to discuss.
Ron Allen displayed a copy of an 1804 map and survey of a 2,000 acre tract of Teays Valley which corresponds to the present day area between the Teays Valley and Hurricane I-64 exits. The tract was jointly owned by heirs of William Morris and Shedrick Harriman. The surveyors divided the tract into equal portions. The dividing line appears to be the exact location of Springdale/Cow Creek Road of today. The map and survey were formerly the property of the James W. Estes family.
Hotch Parkins of Poca brought a railroad spike from the Courtney railroad which was constructed to transport timber from areas in northern Putnam County to the Kanawha River. Mr. Parkins also showed a family tree wall hanging which he inherited from his cousin, Wayne Casto. The collection contained tintype photographs, letters, and other family memorabilia.
Joyce Hanna of Winfield shared photocopies from Todd Hanson’s book, “Plymouth,” about Putnam County’s coal mining history. Hanson was the speaker at the July meeting.
The Upper Vandalia Historical Society meets four times a year to discuss Putnam County history. For more information about the club, visit