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A New Year’s Message from Mayor Edwards

Editor’s Note: The Breeze is sharing Mayor Scott Edwards’ message of optimism with all our readers.

Hello everyone, this is Mayor Scott Edwards. I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and that you’re looking forward to 2022.

The City of Hurricane has many things on the horizon in the new year that I’m excited about – including Phase 2 of Hurricane Bridge Park that will include a disc golf course, an all-inclusive playground, tournament-ready baseball fields, walking trails and more.

In the new year you will also see continued improvements at City Park and more progress on the awesome Meeks Mountain Trails. Our new fire station is being built on Midland Trail with scheduled completion this time next year, and new ADA accessible sidewalks are going to be installed on Main Street.

All of these things along with our annual festivals and special events make me certain that 2022 is going to be pretty promising!

In my opinion, Hurricane is an awesome place to live, work and play, and I hope you agree. I am thankful you are part of our community.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy and safe New Year’s weekend with your friends and family.

Thank you.

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