When Brad Gibson of Derby Hill Road near Hurricane bought two Nigerian Dwarf goats in 2020, he had no idea of what the future would bring.
Having purchased a male and an expecting female, Gibson expected an increase. He discovered that which others have documented — Nigerian Dwarfs are a precocious breed with males engaging in the reproductive activity at three months and females in seven or eight months. Early this year, his flock had grown to eight. He has since reduced that number to six (five females and one wether) and has found a new home for his billy goat.
When Vacation Bible School arrived at Bethel Baptist in 2021, he set up a temporary kid-holding pen near the church to the delight of all the two-legged kids in attendance. His Nigerian Dwarfs are extremely docile and were much appreciative of the attention of those attending VBS.
While he continued to be greeted by his playful goats every day at feeding time, circumstances changed last fall. Gibson learned that his long-time employer, Rish Equipment, was shutting down and that he would be without a job. It was also time to expand the goat lot to accommodate his growing flock.
Bad news, but not all bad. When Rish closed its doors, there were numerous unwanted plastic pallets that needed a new home. Gibson realized that the lightweight sturdy pallets were of the exact height as his existing pen and could easily be joined together. With the blessings of his former employer, Gibson re-purposed the pallets to meet the needs of his goat flock.
Earlier this month, Gibson constructed a small pen using the pallets on the edge of his property which abuts the church property. Bethel kids now have the opportunity to enjoy Gibson’s kids each and every Sunday.
Gibson was without a paying job for five months. He now has employment. — “All things work together for good to them who love God” (Rom. 8:28).