The Upper Vandalia Historical Society met on Sunday, April 24, at the Bancroft Church of God Mission. The topic of the meeting was show and tell.
Hotch Parkins of Poca brought several books about Naomi Hazeltine Gibson Craigo, who was born in 1909 on Heizer Creek. The books were edited by her granddaughter, Christina Craigo. The memoir-style books told about the Plymouth community, which was once a coal town in Putnam’s industrial days in the early part of the 20th Century. Nothing much is left of the town, and the area where it stood is part of the Amherst-Plymouth Wildlife Management Area today.
Ron Roberts of Eleanor brought a book by Barbara Whittington called “A Girl From Hometown, West Virginia,” as well as a book about the Blankenship family. He talked about how the development of industry in Putnam County caused people to stop farming and work in mines or plants. He also discussed his historical research in local cemeteries.
The Upper Vandalia Historical Society meets four times a year to discuss Putnam County and local history. Meetings are usually held at the Bancroft Church of God Mission on Route 62. Everyone is invited to attend meetings – the club would love to have you. For more information about the Upper Vandalia Historical Society, visit the club on Facebook at