Pictured above is a home-computer produced Speed Limit sign posted at the Bill Gibson home on Hurricane Creek.
The book, “Unsafe at Any Speed”, by consumer advocate Ralph Nader, is not about Hurricane Creek Road but Nader’s title applies.
What makes the road unsafe is two ever-changing and ever-deepening potholes. The potholes, ironically, were created by slip-correction construction funded by Gov. Justice’s Roads to Prosperity Program.
One pothole is near the Bill Gibson residence (2861 Hurricane Creek Road) and the other at Bud Beaver’s (2253 Hurricane Creek Road). Both are 6 to 8 inches deep and it is necessary to come to a complete stop to maneuver around them.
One local resident reported that he has contacted the Department of Highways in Hurricane repeatedly during the past 9 months to try to have an asphalt patch placed over these graveled areas.
The number for the Hurricane Department of Highways is 304-562-6641. Callers should ask for Jessie. Residents who drive the road everyday are extremely frustrated. Hopefully, the DOH will correct these two hazardous areas.