High Water signs are posted to warn motorists of danger ahead. The high water sign 1.9 miles from the beginning of Hurricane Creek Road (State Route 19) has become a permanent fixture on the road. The sign is necessary because the culvert carrying runoff from the Old Orchard Manor area became totally plugged more than one year ago.
Before Friday (July 8, 2022), 24-hour, 7-days per week posting of high water at the location was not necessary because a channel parallel to the stopped-up culvert had developed and was sufficient to accommodate the flow of the stream during rain-free periods.
The deluge which produced wide-spread flooding on Friday caused that channel to disappear. Water now flows continuously over the road, day and night.
A local resident complained to the DOH. The resident was told by the Hurricane DOH that November 9 has been set for corrective action.
Currently, hundreds of drivers choose to drive through the flowing stream rather than take an alternate route. For some residents, an alternate route is more than twenty additional miles.
Editor’s Note:
The squeaky wheel is the first to get the oil. There is no reason to wait until November to correct a dangerous condition. The Hurricane Department of Highway number is 304-562-6641; ask for Jessie for progress updates in correcting this issue. A full listings of Charleston DOH numbers can be found at https://transportation.wv.gov/Pages/contact.aspx. The phone number of Assistant Commissioner of Highways Rita Pauley is (304) 558-3505.