The Putnam County Commission voted to reject all bids for installation of the planned fiber optic system at its December 13 meeting.
The Commission received bids or partial bids from three companies on October 11 but delayed taking action until consultant Jessie Parker of S& S Engineering reviewed the bids. Parker stated that the low bid of $17,044,207 by Excel Utility Contractors was far in excess of the projected estimate of the $12,123,000 which he had estimated on October 20 of last year and he recommended that all bids be rejected. Both Commissioner Andy Skidmore and Commissioner Brian Ellis agreed. The project will be advertised for new bids.
Tim Hanna reported that the county has been awarded a $100,000 grant for Phase 2 for masonry restoration of the old courthouse.
The Commission approved the renewal of a non-exclusive Cable Franchise Agreement with Comcast for an additional term of five (5) years.
In other business, the Commission approved a series of Text Amendments which will clarify the language of ordinances governing residential and commercial developments.
The Commission also filled five vacancies on Putnam County Convention and Visitors Bureau Board (PCCVB). New members are Maggie Parsons, Angela Harding, Kathy Hess Crouse, Rob Sidenstricker and Joe Stevens.
The next Commission meeting will be Tuesday, January 10, 2023.