Featured, Local History, The Centennial History of Hurricane

Centennial History of Hurricane (1994 Edition): William Riley “Billy” Pate

In 1988, The Centennial History of Hurricane, WV was published to commemorate the town’s 100th anniversary. In 1994, the Centennial Committee published a follow up book which included family histories which were not submitted in time for the 1988 Centennial History. This week’s selection is the 39th history from The Centennial History of Hurricane WV Continued — 1994.

Submitted by Mrs. D. T. LeMaster

William “Billy” Pate was born Nov. 3, 1872, the son of Richard and Martha Pate. Born in a rural community south of Hurricane, he moved to Hurricane after marriage and lived the remainder of his life in the west end. He married Martha Jones April 20, 1902.

He was a farmer and served as Putnam County Constable for 33 years. He also served as Chief of Police in Hurricane for about 2 years and was well known throughout the area.

Billy was the Great-Great Grandfather of the 1988 “Little Miss Centennial,” Randi Bernadette Browning. She and her brother Rusty are the children of Russell Scott and Jody LeMaster Browning.

Billy had a son, George, who lived in Columbus, Ohio, and two sisters, Mary Browning and Ollie Wood who live in Hurricane. Also living in Hurricane are two grandchildren, Scott Browning and Kelly Canterbury, Dereck and Seth Lester, and Justin Thornton. Billy Pate died March 5, 1948.

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