Tuesday is the big day for both Buffalo and Hurricane. Both communities will host their annual Independence Day Parade, an afternoon of festivities and 10 p.m. fireworks.
Line up for the Hurricane parade will be at Bridge Park (near Hurricane Middle). The parade start at 2 p.m. and proceed along Midland Trail to Main Street and terminate at Hurricane First Baptist Church.
Activities will follow at City Park (adjacent to the Hurricane Reservoir). Festivities will open with the National Anthem at 3:45 p.m. There will be a shuttle bus running between Hurricane High School and the Park. The afternoon and evening will feature lots of giveaways with free ice cream, water melon served by members of City Council. There will be cotton candy, Sno Cones, hot dog giveaways, and free t-shirts.
Nashville star Eric Burgett will be performing. Magician Mark Wood will be doing the impossible. There will be inflatables, a water slide, and a petting zoo.
At 5:00 p.m., contestants will have five minutes to eat as many hot dogs as they can in the annual Farley’s Hot Dog Eating Contest. Price money is 1st – $500, 2nd – $250, and 3rd – $100. Activities at City Park will cease at 8 p.m.
The Buffalo 4th of July gets off to an early start with an 8:00 a.m. 5-K Walk/Run at the Town Hall. The parade will kick off at 1 p.m.
Festivities follow at 2 p.m. with food, vendors, and raffle. Fun includes a petting zoo, inflatables, and a waterslide.
The singing schedule is: The 3 Amigo’s [2:00 – 2:45], Bent Whiskey [3:00 – 4:45], T & R Express [5:00 – 7:00], and Dangerous Bank [7:00 – 10:00].