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Stellar Bible School at Bethel Baptist

Members of the Pre-K class help Robin Rogers (left) and VBS Director Denise Erwin (right) lead the singing.

Bethel Baptist Church of Hurricane Creek Road completed its annual Vacation Bible School with a closing presentation on Sunday, June 25, in which the children got a chance to sing songs, say memory verses, and show off the creations they had made during the week.

The 5-day program, Stellar: Shine Jesus’ Light, utilized Cosmos (a star), Ringo (the planet Saturn), Luna (the Moon), Sol (the Sun), and Halley (the Comet) to help tell the story of God’s love and light. During the fun-filled week, the program, children enables children to build relationships with others through music, Bible stories and activities.

Throughout the week, children gathered up coins to fill a rocket which will help fuel a Stellar Mission. The mission chosen will come to Valley Park in a Tent Revival sponsored by the church in late July.

The water slide required little water to produce lots of fun.
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