Members of American Legion Post 187 salute as the William B. Fulks Marine Corps League Detachment 1474 retire the colors in closing ceremonies of Putnam County’s Veteran Appreciation Day.
Sunday, November 5, was recognition time for veterans of all branches of the United States military at the courthouse parking lot in Winfield.
James E. Marshall American Legion Post 187 Winfield and William B. Fulks Marine Corps League Detachment 1474 Hurricane joined with the Winfield High School band to make the day memorable for the veterans and their families in attendance.
After prayer and introduction by Post 187 chaplain David Bush, MCL Detachment1474 posted colors and all present stood for the National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance.
County Commissioner Steve Deweese, a veteran of repeated tours in Iraq, spoke briefly on the sacrifice which is common to all veterans. Deweese read a proclamation signed by Commissioners Andy Skidmore, Brian Ellis, and himself, and County Clerk Brian Wood declaring the week of November 5 to be Veterans’ Appreciation Week in Putnam County.
Veterans of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps stepped forward as the WHS Band played the anthem of their military branch. The band also played the Coast Guard anthem but no Coast Guard veterans were present. Deweese said that the band, in the future, may be called upon to play an anthem for the newly created United States Space Force.
Detachment 1474 conducted the 13-fold flag ceremony and Post 187 executed the three volley 21-Gun Salute.
Ceremonies concluded with the playing of Taps.