Featured, Local History, The Centennial History of Hurricane

Centennial History of Hurricane: Hurricane Area Organizations: Putnam Lodge 139 AF & AM

In 1988, The Centennial History of Hurricane, WV was published to commemorate the town’s 100th anniversary. The publication included the histories of 7 Hurricane civic organization. This week’s selection is the 6th of the these histories which were published in 1988.

Submitted by Luther K. Rumbaugh

Putnam Lodge No. 139 AF & AM was chartered in November 1908 by the Grand Lodge of West Virginia.

The membership rented a hall in the Putnam County Bank Building on Putnam Avenue and met there until 1935 when they purchased the old Reynolds store building nearby. That building was remodeled to serve as a lodge hall with business rental on the first floor.

The lodge purchased property on Midland Trail and built the present building. The old property was sold to George Alexander who used it to build the present apartment group. The lodge moved to the new building in 1973 with partial completion. It was completed to its present state by 1977.

The lodge has grown from the small group chartered in 1908 to the present membership of 370.

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