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County Commission News: Jim Ridge Waterline Extension Update

The agenda for the December 12 meeting of the Putnam County Commission featured an update from Terry Martin of the Regional Intergovernmental Council (RIC) on the status of the Jim Ridge Waterline Extension Project Phase II.

Martin informed the Commission that the project was 50 percent complete and on schedule. Martin said that Chojnacki Construction is expected to complete the project before the end of March.

The completion of Phase II will include service to Mud Lick residents. Martin reported that funding beyond that which has been approved and is available will be required to extend service to Custer Ridge. Funding for service to Custer Ridge is dependent upon a HUD Community Block Grant. Martin said RIC will consider Custer Ridge at its December 27th meeting.

Martin said that extension of service to Bowles Ridge cannot be funded through change orders because the cost would exceed the ten percent limit condition of the Jim Ridge grants. Martin is looking at other potential funding sources which may be available.

In other business, Debbie Deweese presented the Commission with a $3,000 contribution to the Dog Fund from the Putnam County Republican Women. Deweese said the donation was made possible through the Christmas Tree fundraising event which was held at Valley Park.

The Commission approved the rezoning of Teays Valley Road frontage in Scott Depot from R-2 to C-1 which Pifer Properties requested. The Commission also approved a text amendment change related to legal descriptions of subdivisions.

Jimmy Thaxton addressed the Commission concerning zoning issues which affect residents of Fraziers Bottom. Thaxton said that there would be a large contingent form Fraziers Bottom present at the Commission’s December 28th meeting when the matter will be discussed. The meeting will begin at 5 p.m.

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