Communities and non-profit organizations are eligible for grants from the Stephen A. Andes Recreation Enhancement Fund. At the January 30 Putnam County Commission meeting, eight entities made their wants known.
Assistant County Manager Tim Hanna stated that $100,000 is available for grants from the Hotel/Motel Tax receipts. Communities and non-profit organizations requesting grants were the City of Winfield (New roof to community center and playground equipment at the youth playground); Town of Buffalo (no presentation); Town of Bancroft (Municipal building repairs and improvements, portable watering system [$18,437]); Town of Eleanor ($44,000 for improvements and additions to the community pool [high dive return and new low dive]); Town of Poca ($35,790 for the park improvements); Putnam County Fair Board ($25,000 for additional lighting and sidewalks, handicap viewing deck and bleacher replacement); Historic Hoge House Foundation ($12,800 for correction of standing water and a climate control unit); Hurricane Little League ($6,000 lighting upgrades).
Following presentations, Commissioner Andy Skidmore asked that action on requests be tabled until after the commission has completed its budget work session because the request total of $180,000 cannot be met with the $100,000 available. The commission voted to look at the requests at a later date.
The first agenda item of the meeting of the Putnam County Commission was recognition of county and school employees for their life-saving action in response to a cardiac arrest experienced by a third grade student at Scott Teays Elementary School on October 23, 2023. Brian Riggs of Zolls Medical presented awards to 11 individuals.
Jim Nagy of Terradon presented the commission with an update on the Jim Ridge Phase II Waterline Extension Project. Nagy said that the project was on time and that a half dozen taps have been completed on the new section. The second half of the project is expected to be completed within a week or two. Work on the Bowles Ridge line is slated to begin on February 5th. Additional time will be granted for the second part of the Bowles Ridge extension. This funding is separate from Jim Ridge Phase II and is to be provided through an EEG grant that will require a new preliminary engineering report and new contract documents. Nagy said the engineering report will be completed by February 10th and funding approval is expected in March.
Fire Administrator Rich Pullin presented the commission with paperwork to place a Fire/Rescue Levy upon the May Primary ballot. The levy will replace the current fire fee which has been in effect since 1986. Pullin said the fire fee is failing to produce enough revenue to meet current expenses. The commission tabled acting upon Pullin’s request because County Attorney Larry Frye stated that more paperwork is necessary before the levy can be placed on the May Primary ballot. The commission will consider the matter at its February 13th meeting.
County Planner David Coll informed the commission that a single bid had been received for a project to reduce the flooding potential of Rock Branch Creek. Upon learning that the $56,063 bid was much higher than expected, the commission rejected the bid and authorized Coll to submit the project to be re-bid.
The commission meeting served as an occasion for Sheriff Bobbie Eggleton to conduct a promotion ceremony in which Xerxes Rahmati was promoted to sergeant and Anthony Adkins to the rank of corporal.
Animal Shelter Director Tiffany DeBord updated the commission concerning progress in transforming the Putnam County Animal Shelter into a no-kill facility. DeBord said the shelter is working with the Kanawha Charleston Humane Association which has been visiting three times a week to review the shelter’s procedures and to establish new policies. The commission approved a contract by which KCHA is covered under the county’s insurance as it helps the shelter establish an administrative framework through which updated procedures and policies will be implemented.
In other action, the commission appointed Nathan Wills to the Putnam County Historic Landmark Board.
The next commission meeting is Tuesday, February 13, at 9:00 a.m.