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RFTW Warmly Greeted in Nitro

Run For The Wall bikers arrive in Nitro on Wednesday evening, May 22.

Each year Run For The Wall bikers make a statement by riding in memory of those who have been left behind, those who never returned home from foreign wars fought to preserve the freedoms of America.

After eight days on the road in their journey from the West Coast to Washington DC, the RFTW procession was greeted in Nitro on May 22 by flag-waving supporters who, by their presence, made the statement that they, like the bikers, remember that freedom’s cost is not free.

Three generations welcome the Run for the Wall bikers by holding an American flag as part of an annual family tradition which started in the early 2000’s. Shown above, from left to right, are Toni Cole with Mason; Bryce Cole; Anna Fizer with Addie; Paul Davis; Melanie Davis; and Raynzlie Fizer. The Cole, Fizer, and Davis families are from the Cross Lanes and Teays Valley areas.
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