Putnam County Commission meetings are venues at which the commission conducts official business and hears from the public. The Tuesday, August 27 meeting was mostly listening.
Nearly half of the one hour and 30 minute meeting was devoted to hearing comments concerning DAEA (Dilapidated & Abandoned Building Enforcement Agency) cases. The commission hears, then acts upon, complaints concerning property conditions. The commission learned that the owner of 124 Hanning Drive in Poca could not comply with an order to correct property condition because of legal issues with the tenant. The commission directed county attorney Larry Frye to provide an update of magistrate court proceedings.
The commission delayed acting upon a property complaint at 188 Margaret Drive in Nitro. The property owner had addressed the issues cited in the DAEA complaint but the commission referred the case back to the DAEA Board to determine if DAEA possessed authority regarding occupancy of the property.
Following action on agenda items, the commission heard from residents seeking information on efforts to extend public water service on Fisher and Bowles Ridge.
In other business, County Clerk Brian Wood announced that voter registration deadline for the November election is October 15. Wood received approval for an ADA Grant which would fund signage identifying van parking for the handicapped.
Commission president Andy Skidmore announced that the Health Board has recommended changes to the county’s vaping ordinance which changes will be on the agenda for action at the September 10 commission meeting.
The commission approved the application for $446,900 grant to fund water service to five residences on Bowles Ridge.
In other action, the commission appointed Debbie Elkins to the Putnam County Library Board.
The next county commission meeting is Tuesday, September 10.