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The water on the left is the stagnant water of Mill Creek, the major water supply source to the Hurricane City Reservoir. The water level in the reservoir (right) appears to be slightly higher than Mill Creek.

The weather forecast on Tuesday, September 24, called for an 84% chance of rain on Thursday, 91% chance on Friday, and 60% chance of Saturday.

The rain is much needed. The continuing drought has forced the City of Hurricane to purchase water from Putnam PSD and from West Virginia-American Water much earlier than last year (Hurricane usually purchases water in late summer and early autumn). Since constructing an additional reservoir more than 40 years ago, Putnam PSD has had the capability of furnishing water to Hurricane when needed. On Sunday, September 22, Putnam PSD shut off the spigot to Hurricane because its reserve is being tested. Hurricane must now purchase all of its water from West Virginia-American.

While any and all rain is welcome, it will not be welcomed by Putnam Aging which had the Putnam Aging Senior Games scheduled on Thursday at the Hurricane City Park. Nor will rain be welcomed on Friday during the hours of the Hurricane High School Homecoming parade and the homecoming football game against Cabell Midland to follow.

On Saturday, rain is not wanted in Buffalo at the community’s annual All Horse Parade. A Saturday rain would dampen daylong festivities in Poca at the Poca Fall Festival.

There are some events for Saturday which will not be diminished by a good rain storm. There is the Home and Lifestyle Show at Valley Park Conference Center in Hurricane on Saturday and Sunday.

The list of events for this weekend is long. A schedule of event times can be found here.

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