Pictured (l-r): Putnam County Superuntendent of Schools John Hudson, Spelling Bee Champion Kyle Johnson, Runner-Up Katie Mezzanotte, and Putnam County Library Director Megan Tarbett.
Putnam County Schools kicked off the 2025 academic event season on Tuesday, January 14, with the annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at Buffalo High School. The competition featured School Spelling Bee Champions in grades 4 through 8 from elementary and middle schools throughout the county.
Congratulations to 2025 Spelling Bee Champion Kyle Johnson (7th Grade) of Hurricane Middle and Spelling Bee Runner-Up Katie Mezzanotte (7th Grade) of Poca Middle School. Kyle spelled the winning word in the 15th round of the Bee to claim the title. The pair will represent Putnam County at the 2025 Gazette-Mail Regional Online Spelling Bee. The winner of the Regional Bee will represent the state of West Virginia at the Scripps National Spelling Bee competition in Washington, D.C.
Putnam County Library Director Megan Tarbett was guest pronouncer with Lynda Rumbaugh, Elizabeth Hoh, and Susan Beck serving as judges.
The complete list of School Spelling Bee winners follows:
Matti Newman, Buffalo Elementary; Owen Ray, Calvary Baptist (Elementary); Ella Dunn, Calvary Baptist (Middle; Hadley Wiseman, Confidence Elementary; Keith Taylor, Conner Street Elementary; Elliana Conn, Eastbrook Elementary; Lucas Stone, George Washington Elementary; Jasey Green, George Washington Middle; Cody Pickens, Hometown Elementary; Luca Malhotra, Hurricane Town Elementary; Kyle Johnson, Hurricane Middle; Jo Butterworth, Lakeside Elementary; Lincoln Hesson, Mountain View Elementary; Aubree Simmons, Poca Elementary; Katie Mezzanotte, Poca Middle; Braxton Gibson, Rock Branch Elementary; Vianna Nguyen, Scott Teays Elementary; Kolson Snider, Teays Valley Christian (Elementary); Piper Waugh, Teays Valley Christian (Middle); Emily Scott, West Teays Elementary; Joshua Trout, Winfield Elementary; and Hannah Greenlee, Winfield Middle.