
Sharing Local History At UVHS Meeting

Diane Buck reads from “When I Was A Boy” by J. A. Greenlee, a 1963 memoir written by a man from Mason County.

The quarterly meeting of the Upper Vandalia Historical Society, held last Sunday, October 27, featured open discussion and a show and tell session.

Jim Wallace of Scott Depot brought a collection of postmarked letters that were received by various post offices in the county, some of which have since been disbanded.

Diane Buck of Leon brought several pamphlets and a book of interest to the local community. One of the pamphlets, entitled “Point Pleasant and Mason County: The City and County of Historic Fame and Industrial Achievement” and edited by J. G. Claiborne and Auspices Business Men’s Club, was a supplement to the Point Pleasant Register from 1922. Buck read an expert from “When I Was A Boy” by J. A. Greenlee, a memoir which was written in 1963 by a man from Mason County. In the story, the author wrote about his first trip to the county seat of Mason County, and all of the sights that he saw there.

Jaynetta Walden of Poca, a reenactor with an interest in early American history, wore a frontier era dress and discussed women’s clothing of the 1700’s.

The Upper Vandalia Historical Society meets four times a year to discuss Putnam County and local history. Anyone who has an interest in local history and trivia is invited to attend meetings, which are held at the Bancroft Mission on Route 62. For more information about the Upper Vandalia Historical Society, visit http://cclark8399.wix.com/uppervandalia

Jaynetta Walden discusses women’s clothing of the colonial era while Carolyn Null, club president, looks on.
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