The Putnam County Commission met Tuesday, July 30, to conduct business which included consideration of a funding request from the Putnam County Homecoming Festival Committee[Read More…]
Hurricane Creek Overpass Petition Garners 1,707 Names
Rose Gatens addresses the Transportation Committee. Rose Gatens presented a petition of petition of 1,707 names urging the construction of an overpass at the intersection[Read More…]
Board of Education Set to Approve $50 Million School Bond Election
On Tuesday, July 30, Putnam County Superintendent John Hudson presented a proposed bond and associated finance plan to the State School Building Authority in a[Read More…]
COUNTY COMMISSION NEWS: County Relinquishes Ownership of Hometown Senior Center
Pictured above: Choir performance at the Hometown Senior Center in October, 2023. The agenda for the Tuesday, July 9, Putnam County Commission meeting listed only[Read More…]
HURRICANE CITY COUNCIL NEWS: Lexington Estates Bridge, Virginia Avenue Traffic Issues Addressed
Many times information becomes public at Hurricane City Council meetings which is not related to listed agenda items. Such was the case for the July[Read More…]
COUNTY COMMISSION NEWS: All Dogs at Animal Shelter to Be Relocated
The 2023-2024 fiscal year for all governmental entities ended at midnight on June 30th. The Putnam County Commission closed the books on 2023-24 at its[Read More…]
County Commission News
The Putnam County Commission met on Tuesday, June 11 with Brian Ellis acting as commission president. Commissioner Andy Skidmore, regular commission president, was on vacation[Read More…]
HURRICANE CITY COUNCIL NEWS: C.D. Caldwell Named to Vacant Council Post
The Hurricane City Council approved the appointment of C.D. Caldwell to city council in first order of business at its meeting on Monday, June 3rd.[Read More…]
County Commission Approves Courthouse Paving Bid
It was bid opening time for the Putnam County Commission at its May 28 meeting. Brian Estep of Silling Architects (project designer) unsealed bids from[Read More…]
Putnam Judge to Resign, Named to Federal Court
Chief Judge Thomas E. Johnston of United States District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia announced on Monday, May 20, that the court[Read More…]