The Putnam County Commission met for 55 minutes on Tuesday, June 13. One minute of that time was devoted to an ordinance that provide a[Read More…]
Hurricane Voters Extend Special Levy through 2026-27
When the votes were counted, the City of Hurricane June 13 Election results produced no surprises. The incumbent Citizens Party candidates were unopposed and were[Read More…]
County Commission Approves $452,000 Insurance Package
Tuesday, May 30, was bid opening day for county Workers Compensation and Liability insurance coverage. Arthur Krenzel Lett Insurance and West Virginia County Risk Pool[Read More…]
Hurricane Council Acts to Fund Bridge Park Development
The Hurricane Council held the first reading of an ordinance which will provide up to $5 million toward the development of Bridge Park. The ordinance[Read More…]
City of Hurricane Levy Election June 13
City offices will be closed to business on Tuesday, June 13, but the Hurricane Municipal Building will be open to all residents who choose to[Read More…]
County Commission Approves Additional Funding for Jim Ridge Waterline Extension
On Tuesday, May 9, Putnam’s three county commissioners met and voted to augment funding for the Jim Ridge Phase 2 Waterline Extension Project by $72,220.[Read More…]
New River Gorge named Best Family Trip in the U.S. by Outside Magazine
Gov. Justice announces Nation’s newest national park earns Outside Magazine’s 2023 travel award CHARLESTON, WV – Gov. Jim Justice announced today that The New River Gorge has[Read More…]
Hurricane Council Recognizes Employees, Show Choir Champions
Mrs. Hurricane Independence Day – Michelle Blankenship, Ms. Hurricane Independence Day – Jaime DeRuiter, Miss Hurricane Independence Day – Chloe Armentrout, Hurricane Independence Day Teen[Read More…]
WV Legislative Interims: Fire, EMS discuss suicide prevention, more funding for first responders
First responder suicide rates outnumbering line-of-duty deaths By Matt Young, WV Press Association HUNTINGTON, W.Va. – “I need to drive this home – Suicide rates[Read More…]
County Commission News: Five Companies Bid on Jim Ridge Waterline Extension
The Tuesday, April 25, Putnam County Commission meeting was bid-opening time for the Jim Ridge Phase 2 Waterline Extension Project. The Commission received bids from[Read More…]